Think NEW NEW NEW when it comes to the Aries Sun, highlighting your 4th House of Home and Security. Aries is Cardinal energy (initiatory) and it is the babe of the Zodiac, standing for fresh ways of being, doing, and seeing. Bring that vitalized perspective to your Home life this solar transit, which will last until the 21st. Given the fiery nature of Aries, maybe you need to bring some warmth to the domicile in a particular way, especially as the Aussie autumn approaches and the temperature chills a bit. Make something new in the home. On a less up note, be aware of a majorly malefic day on the 5th. Your ruling planet, grim Saturn, and Mars (the Knife) go conjunct in your Money sector, which could cause a brief flurry of financial difficulty. The Sun shifts over into Taurus and your 5th House of Romance on the 21st. Venus rules the Bull and has its “joy” in the 5th, so this is an excellent transit for sensual play and romance. The Bull and you both love luxury, so splurge a bit.
Who says winter hibernation has to end so soon? Yours is making more of a slow, stage-left exit for the first three weeks of April, and for that you can thank the stars. The Sun is nesting in Aries and your domestic fourth house until April 19, giving you the urge to cozy up at Chateau Capricorn. You've got a cosmic permission slip to putter around the kitchen, refresh your seasonal decor and start the second season of Bridgerton.
Don’t worry, Capricorn, you’ll have plenty of time in between siestas for socializing and fun. Venus, Mars Jupiter AND Neptune are all in Pisces, activating your third house of community, ideas and kindred spirits. Amid your deep sofa lounges, make an effort to reconnect with your favorite people or to check out a newly reopened venue if you feel comfortable doing so.
A historic moment will arrive on April 12, when Jupiter makes its once-every-13-years conjunction (meetup) with enchanting, compassionate Neptune. As the co-rulers of Pisces unite on their home turf for the first time since 1856 (!), you could receive a divine download or news that changes the course of events. Be careful what you share today, though, as their obscuring effect could scramble signals.
A rare doubleheader of new moons will bookend this month, and the second one, on April 30, is an activating solar eclipse. In Taurus and your fifth house of romance and fame, this eclipse could bring unexpected attention your way.