September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

Get cracking! It’s Virgo season until September 22

Back to reality, Leo! September is one of your most practical and productive months as the Sun moves through Virgo and your stabilizing second house until September 22. Use the time to recover from Leo season and all its attendant decadence. Maybe it didn’t quite reach Bennifer’s double-wedding levels, but hopefully you got to have SOME well-deserved fun.

This month, you can start building your birthday visions into something tangible—and potentially profitable—as back-to-school season begins. But take your time with the planning process. Mercury will turn retrograde on September 9 (more on that in a moment), which could cause disruptions to technology and communication. Hidden details might emerge that could change the course of your projects. Focus on gathering information and key players before you rush to implement.

Mercury is retrograde September 9 to October 2

Rewind! Autocorrect! Stronger filters, please! Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—will turn retrograde from September 9 to October 2, splitting its time between two signs.

Mercury will back through Libra and your third house until September 23, foiling interpersonal affairs and communication for its first two weeks. It might feel like a double-strength retrograde at moments, and you’ll want to take the utmost care with every word you post or utter. If you’re not sure whether you should write, publish or say THAT…don’t. Run any big decisions by your wisest sounding boards; their feedback could help you massage your message. The third house rules siblings, neighbors and anyone in your social circle, so be extra mindful to avoid misunderstandings in these relationships.

The usual Mercury retrograde precautions merit your attention, too. Back up all data and devices. Avoid signing contracts if you can (and triple-check that fine print while you’re at it). If you’re considering buying anything with wheels—car, e-bike, scooter—shop around and conduct your research.

On September 23, Mercury will back into Virgo and your second house of work and money until correcting course October 2. Keep firm tabs on your finances and avoid hot-button conflicts at work. Save your most important files to the cloud and be crystal-clear around deadlines and financial and other agreements made with clients or coworkers.

Deep dive! The September 10 Pisces full moon gets intimate 

The September 10 full moon lands in Pisces and your focused eighth house of intimacy, merging and detailed work. All the more reason to take a sharp-eyed look at the finer points instead of just getting swept up in the moment. This full moon illuminates your closest ties and asks you to consider which ones can go the distance. Is there a requisite amount of trust and an equitable investment of time, energy or money? If one of you is pulling more energetic weight than the other, the full moon will demand that you address that.

Have you been considering a joint venture or a binding relationship? This extreme full moon could send you all the way in…or totally out. An engagement, pregnancy or permanent partnership move is possible now. You might also decide to make a big investment, perhaps buying or selling property or building your portfolio. The illuminating full moon helps you inspect any important technicalities you may have overlooked before you cross the point of no return!

Caution: With Mercury now retrograde, caution is warranted before making anything official (including cutting anyone off). A cooling-off period or an extended round of negotiations could buy you some time. Better decisions are likely with more time, so hold off until next month to make a final call if you can.

It’s Libra season starting September 22, with a September 25 Libra new moon

Some lightness returns on September 22 as the Sun moves into Libra for a month, heating up your third house of communication and community. Although Mercury will still be retrograde (and soon in your work and money house), you can escape the mayhem by meeting friends old and new for apps and after-work drinks, checking out local festivals and enjoying all the pumpkin-spiced pleasures of fall. You’re not afraid to be called “basic” if it means you get a kick out of hayrides, apple-picking and a chance to make your own silk-ribboned potpourri sachets. (Okay, that might be pushing it…or maybe not?)

The September 25 Libra new moon could bring an exciting conversation or opportunity to join forces with a kindred spirit type. Who knows what you can create when you put your heads together? New moons can take up to six months to unfold, so explore your chemistry with collaborators before making anything official. Try a small project and see how that goes, especially given that Mercury is retrograde until October 2, and some details or information could be hidden until then.

With this new moon opposite Jupiter in Aries and your hyper-optimistic ninth house, you could bite off a chunk more than you can chew. (Never done that before, right, Leo?) Pace yourself and do things in phases. Even if you can see a bold, brilliant vision of a global empire, the foundation should still be built one brick at a time—at least for now.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

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