All tagged Leo

June 2022 Horoscope: Leo

Now that’s more like it, Leo! You’ll soar (make that roar) into June riding high, even if you’re navigating some turbulence from May’s eclipse season. Your natural optimism is returning to its irrepressible levels. For that you can thank lucky Jupiter, which bounded into your no-limits ninth house on May 10 for the first time since 2011. After an intense start to the year—which may have felt a lot more private and insular than your usual M.O.—that Leo radiance will meet the world as its oyster. With the Sun in Gemini and your social eleventh house, your event-planning skills can be pressed into immediate service.

Save the parades and sparklers until after June 3, when messenger Mercury will be wrapping up its three-week retrograde, a dodgy time for communication that also began on May 10. As Mercury corrects course, you’ll find a more receptive audience for your grand plans and visions. Got a giant splash to make? The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon says “lights, camera, Leo!” when it beams into your head-turning, passionate fifth house.

The key changes a little after the June 21 solstice, when the Sun sinks into Cancer and your restful twelfth house. Spend the next four weeks tying up loose ends and conserving your energy for Leo season, which arrives on July 22. Relationship repair could also be in order for the next five months as structured Saturn and healing Neptune both turn retrograde in the most committed parts of your chart.

Note to Leo: Don’t try to do it alone! Saturn rules qualified experts while nurturing Neptune governs the empathic realm. Get recommendations from friends before you hire a therapist, advisor, consultant or the like. Think: A compassionate coach type who will tell it like it is but won’t beat you up for your past missteps. You don’t need to be coddled, but you DO deserve someone who will support you and cheer you on being your highest self. Hey, why not hold everyone in your life (including yourself) to that standard?

June 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

After the tumult and chaos of April and May, we’re all ready for a cosmic cool down. Luckily, June is here to deliver just that! Usually Gemini season is a blur, but this year, it’s the comic relief that we so desperately need. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 3rd putting our communications back on track, and then on the 4th Saturn begins its own retrograde, allowing us to take a break and reflect on long-term goals.

Things are slow until mid-month when Mercury re-enters Gemini on the 13th stoking our curiosity and increasing our stamina for socializing. Then on the 14th, the full moon in Sagittarius brings us a wild and adventurous night to kick off the warmer months with a bang.

The summer solstice arrives on the 21st as the sun enters Cancer. Happy birthday to our protective and loving crabs, in good company with matriarchs like Meryl Streep and dreamy trendsetters like Lana Del Rey. Venus then leaves sensuous Taurus for witty Gemini on the 22nd, inspiring us to find summer flings who really stimulate our minds.

June ends with a highly auspicious new moon in Cancer that connects with both Venus and Jupiter. If there was ever a time to set nurturing and optimistic intentions, this is it! Neptune stations retrograde on the same day putting a dreamy filter over a once dull reality. Dream big!