June 2022 Horoscope: Leo

June 2022 Horoscope: Leo

Gemini season ignites friendship and networking

Come out and play again. The Sun is blazing through Gemini and your eleventh house of group action until June 21, bringing friends and social invitations out of the woodwork. After a busy and work-focused May (not to mention that eclipse turbulence), you probably have a long list of people to catch up with. Invite them to meet for al fresco drinks and play super-connector by making a few savvy introductions. Grab a buddy and hit a networking event, then reconvene for dinner after you've strategically schmoozed.

Since the eleventh house also rules technology, it's a great time to polish up your social media profiles or increase your followers. Don't be afraid to be a little edgy or controversial, especially in the name of a cause you believe in. Under these humanitarian solar rays, you could be inspired to speak out for social justice or lend your efforts to a world-bettering cause. There’s no shortage of those these days, Leo. On a personal level, your mind is on the future, dreaming up big plans. Stay out of the petty microdramas among friends and colleague. Keep your focus on the big picture.

Relationship redux: Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius June 4-October 23

Are your bonds as solid as you think? This month, start checking up on your relationships and repairing any fractured or weakened ties. These orders come direct from structured Saturn, which will spin retrograde (backward) through Aquarius and your seventh house of committed partnerships on June 4.

Over the next five months, an important relationship, either business or personal, could be tested. Have you built this alliance on a rock-solid foundation? Saturn is the cosmic inspector, and his retrograde can expose some structural issues that need to be addressed before you move forward. Be honest and assess whether you share the same goals for the long haul. Some couples may press pause or do some important relationship repair work, perhaps with a therapist or coach (Saturn rules experts). Business partners might want to bring an executive coach in to help you with communication and management.

Saturn is the planet of maturity, and its motto is "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Instead of feeling daunted when your duo feels less than dynamic, do the work. Dealing with these issues will either strengthen your bond or help you move on to a better pairing.

Have you been shouldering too much alone in a part of your life? During Saturn retrograde, you could be tempted to slip into martyr mode. Instead of throwing a pity party, how about bringing in a seasoned pro to support you? Rather than rely on the same one or two people to always have your back, reach out to a skilled specialist, whether that’s for childcare, work duties or relationship guidance. Your inner circle will be relieved of some pressure, and you’ll feel like you’re finally getting the help you need.

The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon is pure passion

Got something raw and real to get off your chest, Leo? The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon hands you the mic and helps you let it all out! This lunation will spotlight your dramatic and passionate fifth house, making it impossible to hold back your feelings. Go ahead and gush, brandish your heart on your sleeve—and don’t worry about being “too much” for people. It’s THEIR problem if they can’t handle your full-on ebullience about life.

In the days near the full moon, a budding attraction may consummate into a full-blown love affair. Couples could experience a romantic revival, so dress up like the red-carpet royal you are. Leos of the childbearing set could hear pregnancy news under these fertile moonbeams.

Since the fifth house rules all forms of creativity, artists and performers could be recognized publicly for your talents. Look back to the December 4, 2012, Sagittarius solar eclipse for clues of what might come together today.

You might be gushing over a new love interest (this full moon is in your fifth house of passion and romance) or fielding a buzzworthy moment of fame. A creative project you’ve been working on since the December 4, 2021, Sagittarius new moon, which was a potent solar eclipse, could gain recognition. Be proactive and show the world your incredible talents!

While there will be some moments of peak joy under these moonbeams, this full moon could also invoke drama. Temper your knee-jerk reactions and be careful not to get caught in any ego battles today, Leo. If you find yourself getting angry, take a timeout. Turn up the music and dance it off, or stream a cardio workout to release that pent-up fury. Ah, that’s more like it!

Cancer season (June 21) and the June 28 Cancer new moon

Power down and process all that energy starting June 21, when the Sun slips into Cancer for a month, sinking into your twelfth house of rest and healing. Hold off just a LITTLE longer on all those exciting new plans. Since the twelfth house rules closure, concentrate on tying up loose ends in preparation for your birthday season. Clear away anything you don't want to bring into your next year of life, whether it's a resentful grudge, an unfinished project that's been nagging at you or an unaired communication. You may notice you feel sleeper or more internally focused now. Honor your desire for solitude as needed.

The June 28 Cancer new moon could bring a spiritual epiphany or an important moment of release. Let bottled-up emotions flow and adopt a position of radical acceptance rather than trying to change a person or situation. Set yourself free through forgiveness and intentionally spend time with uplifting, high-vibe friends. Your subconscious will be especially active now, so pay attention to your dreams and any strong intuitive hits or "signs." An artistic or musical project could take off over the next six months.

Unlike the full moon earlier this month, which was a supermoon, this one is a “micro-moon.” This effect occurs when the new or full moon connects with the point in the moon’s orbit that’s farthest from the Earth (called apogee), making it appear smaller from our vantage point here. That doesn’t mean the distant moon won’t work its magic—and we can’t see the new moon anyhow—but it may not be quite as impactful as a supermoon, which occurs when la luna is at the CLOSEST point (perigee) to our planet.

Neptune turns retrograde June 28-December 3

In sync with the new moon on June 28, ephemeral Neptune will turn retrograde, making its annual five-month backspin until December 3. With Neptune reversing through Pisces and obscuring your intimate and introspective eighth house, you may have second thoughts about a relationship or emotional entanglement. Do you need to unknot a few codependent cords? If you've gotten too consumed or obsessed with a certain relationship, this is time to pull back a little and attend to your own life.

Retrogrades can bring back people from the past, and in your erotic eighth house, deceptive Neptune could be rifling through your metaphorical “little black book” to turn up a tempting but toxic ex. Remember that person you couldn’t quit because the attraction was so strong? Don’t be surprised if you start thinking of them, and maybe even hear from them. The point isn’t to get sucked back in but to remember the fantasy and abandon they sparked within you—and perhaps to relive it with a healthier person.

Workwise, you may want to do more research before making a binding decision. Neptune retrograde could actually lift some of the fog and confusion, allowing puzzle pieces you've overlooked to fall into place. Take your time—and question everything. Pause and notice whether old fears are causing you to project anxiety onto others or behave in a controlling manner.

June 2022 Leo Love Horoscope

Lock it down or fly free? You’re pulled toward both freedom and commitment by the love planets this month, and these dueling desires could be a little confusing to navigate.

With fiery Mars blazing through indie-spirited Aries and your no-limits ninth house all month (May 24 to July 5), you'll be seeking excitement wherever you can find it! Regardless of whether you're coupled or single, adventure will be the hottest aphrodisiac for you. Even if you're not sure what you're looking for, anything that's not the same old same old is a good start. Sparks could fly with someone from another country or culture or a person you meet while traveling since Mars will be blazing through your global ninth house.

But wait—where is this thing going? Until June 22, fellow lovebird Venus is flitting through Taurus and your responsible, future-focused tenth house. As much as Mars has you craving novelty, Venus is making stability seem kinda sweet and sexy. On the upside, this is a great transit for talking about shared future plans and maybe launching a side business together. You could be drawn to someone older or more established than you. Just watch the heavy-handed approach if you start talking about next steps. In disagreements, you might get stuck on being "right" or hammering home a point at the expense of getting along. Try to catch yourself in action and nip that behavior in the bud before you foster resentment.

Then, from June 22 to July 17, Venus will sweep through Gemini and your eleventh house of socializing and technology. You’ll be more lighthearted again, which will pair perfectly with Mars in Aries—but good luck to anyone who tries to pin you down or cramp your freedom! If you're not attached at the hip, you'll prefer to keep your interpersonal interactions on the light-and-breezy side and put off getting into anything too serious. Since this zone rules your digital life, this is a particularly good time for online dating. But focus on the fun and adventure of it, not the "end zone."

June 2022 Leo Career Horoscope

Dream big, Leo! Ambitious Mars is blazing through Aries and your visionary ninth house from May 24 to July 5, inspiring you to branch out of your comfort zone. Travel, study and entrepreneurship are hot zones for you, and you'll leap at any chance to broaden your horizons.

Take it slow with any contracts or partnerships after June 4, when cautious Saturn starts a choppy retrograde through Aquarius and your dynamic duos zone until October 23. You might sell yourself short if you jump at an offer. And if they’re not rolling in, consider working with a professional to polish up your resume and LinkedIn so it’s up to industry snuff. You may have to invest a little money for their services, but if they can position you for a better role, it’s worth it. Just be sure to check THEIR references—and those of anyone you choose to work with now—to make sure they can truly deliver what they say they will.

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/leo full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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