All tagged Aquarius

June 2022 Horoscope: Pisces

Slow down a minute, Pisces. Thanks to super-sizer Jupiter in your sign since right before the New Year, you’ve sped your way through the first half of 2022. That cycle is now over—for a few months anyway—and you’re invited to get grounded and centered in your body AND your life. Turn inward again, at least just a little bit.

Have you been away from home for a while? The Sun is in Gemini and your domestic fourth house until June 21, an ideal time to reconnect with your living space, family and emotional well-being. Even if you haven’t traveled, you may be feeling a bit out of sorts after May’s life-rocking eclipses and the signal-scrambling Mercury retrograde mayhem that finally ends on June 3. Reconnect with your emotions and prioritize self-care.

Instead of planning a vacation, you might be thinking about your vocation. Jupiter, the planet of growth, is now spending its first full month in Aries and your second house of work and money. Exciting new career opportunities could start to roll in. The spotlight shines directly on your professional goals at the Sagittarius full moon on June 14. This could be a crowning moment—or a turning point—for your most cherished ambitions.

Your appetite for fun returns on June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer and your fifth house of pleasure and play. The next four weeks could serve up summer love, a flirty connection or the urge to express your most radiant life-force energy. You can do that by dressing up or sharing your talents through an artistic project.

But pace yourself, Pisces. Two of the slow-moving outer planets begin their annual retrograde (backward) turns this month. On June 4, Saturn makes a five-month reverse commute through Aquarius and your healing twelfth house. Your mental and emotional health might need a bit of support, especially if you’ve weathered a loss or gone through a recent stressful change.

On June 28, your ruler Neptune makes an about-face in Pisces and your first house of self. Between now and December 3, you might have second thoughts about how you spend your time. You could crave more solitude and flow in your days, especially with Saturn retrograde in your unstructured twelfth house. Can you find a way to have that “dream time” this summer and fall? It will certainly pay dividends.

June 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius

Ready for a little summer fun and maybe even some lighthearted lovin’, Aquarius? Both could be up for grabs this June. With the Gemini Sun heating up your playful, passionate fifth house until June 21, you’ll sizzle your way into the solstice. Whether you’re flirting IRL, turning heads with your latest posts or bringing a sexy snap back to your current situationship, that Aquarian edge is definitely back.

Your wit will find an appreciative audience once communication planet Mercury ends its three-week retrograde on June 3. And with lucky Jupiter, the planet of growth, spending its first full month in your third house of interactivity and ideas, your curious mind is springing back to life! The first half of this year has been full of hard work, lacking some of the balance and variety you prefer. In June, you’ll find the novelty you’ve been missing—and it will be oh-so refreshing!

How about gathering your friends (and perhaps a flirty “person of interest” or two) for a no-holds-barred gathering? The June 14 Sagittarius full moon will beam into your groups and friendship zone, the perfect day for a party or to celebrate a team effort.

Don’t worry about all the indulgences you enjoy, Aquarius. When the Sun shifts into Cancer and your healthy, organized sixth house on June 21, summer fitness plans will easily get underway. Pro tip: This year, you’re apt to stick with your healthy lifestyle if you make it fun and social. Host a veg-friendly potluck or organize a group hike.

Two of the slow-moving outer planets begin their annual retrograde (backward) turns this month. On June 4, serious Saturn begins a five-month reverse commute through Aquarius. Use this time to take a serious look at how you’re presenting yourself, the boundaries you set and the way your life is structured. Is there enough time for yourself AND your passion projects? Newsflash, Aquarius: If you want other people to respect your time, then you have to set the parameters for that. One of our friends calls it “protecting your diamond.” While Saturn’s retrograde, make sure you’re doing just that!

On June 28, hazy Neptune flips around in Pisces and your financial sector until December 3. Make sure you’re also safeguarding your hard-earned funds. You may revisit a back-burnered creative project or find ways to add more flexibility and imagination to your day-to-day work.

June 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

After the tumult and chaos of April and May, we’re all ready for a cosmic cool down. Luckily, June is here to deliver just that! Usually Gemini season is a blur, but this year, it’s the comic relief that we so desperately need. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 3rd putting our communications back on track, and then on the 4th Saturn begins its own retrograde, allowing us to take a break and reflect on long-term goals.

Things are slow until mid-month when Mercury re-enters Gemini on the 13th stoking our curiosity and increasing our stamina for socializing. Then on the 14th, the full moon in Sagittarius brings us a wild and adventurous night to kick off the warmer months with a bang.

The summer solstice arrives on the 21st as the sun enters Cancer. Happy birthday to our protective and loving crabs, in good company with matriarchs like Meryl Streep and dreamy trendsetters like Lana Del Rey. Venus then leaves sensuous Taurus for witty Gemini on the 22nd, inspiring us to find summer flings who really stimulate our minds.

June ends with a highly auspicious new moon in Cancer that connects with both Venus and Jupiter. If there was ever a time to set nurturing and optimistic intentions, this is it! Neptune stations retrograde on the same day putting a dreamy filter over a once dull reality. Dream big!