June 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius

June 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius

Gemini season brings your playful side out

Feel that enlivening charge in the air, Aquarius? The Sun is coursing through Gemini until June 21, heating up your fifth house of creativity, love and joie de vivre. Under these passionate skies, you’ll feel the urge to express yourself with abandon, whether you’re sharing your unfiltered truth or confessing that you’ve caught feelings for someone. See what happens when you speak from the heart instead of rehearsing lines or planning things out in your head.

The fifth house rules love, and Gemini season could trigger a burst of late-spring fever, whether you develop a new crush or swoon anew for the one you’re with. How about a style refresh? If your wardrobe’s become too heavy on drab, drapey and dour pieces (thanks to austere Saturn in Aquarius, it may have), add in some bright color blocks and sexy cutaways. A new hair color can also bring the snap back to your personality.

Has it been a minute since you’ve taken in a live show or visited an art exhibit? How about heating up a dance floor? After a hunkered-down May, you’re eager to get back out on the scene, soaking up the fun and adventure of life. Feed your need for culture and go enjoy the creations of talented people, whether it’s an up-and-coming chef’s new lunch spot or an indie band playing locally. Invite your liveliest friends and their friends. Keep the Debbie Downers and needy energy vampires off the guest list, lest you be tempted to sacrifice your own fun to take care of them.

Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius June 4-October 23

Ready to level up, Aquarius? You might be, but your priorities will demand some reorganization if you want to pull an ambitious goal off. Get ready for a five-month closeup on a few fundamental parts of your lifestyle that need to change, including relationships that need clearer agreements and firmer boundaries. Nothing wrong with that! As much as you like to all “go with the flow,” you simply won’t be able to achieve your goals if you don’t draw a few lines in the sand.

For this cleanup mission, you can thank structured Saturn, which turns retrograde in Aquarius starting June 4, a time to seriously tighten up your game. During this annual five-month backspin, do nothing—and we mean nothing—without a solid plan. Even if you have to scale back or delay, anything worth your time is worth doing right. Saturn rules mentors, so tap an experienced adviser or two if you’re heading into unknown territory.

With the ringed planet in your first house of appearances, it may be time for a sophisticated style and image upgrade. Caution: It's a thin line between "sleek" and "severe," and no-frills Saturn could find you erring too much on the side of minimalism, chopping inches off your hair or filling your wardrobe with dull neutral tones.

Saturn also rules aging, and during this time you might be haunted by fears of being "old" or "irrelevant." This could force you to reckon with your angst surrounding identity, as well as with society's fierce ageism. (New platform for outspoken Aquarians to take on?) While Saturn encourages you to embrace the process of becoming wiser and more mature, you can still explore ways to help your outer self match the vibrant light-worker within. Whether through aesthetic tweaks to your appearance, a wardrobe edit or a complete rebranding, the goal is to present your most aligned self to the world and magnetize like-minded souls.

The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon lights up your social life

Ah, the power of many! The ideal moment arrives to connect with your crew or make a collaboration official at the June 14 Sagittarius full moon, which spotlights your eleventh house of groups and friendship. You could be celebrating a shared victory at this triumphant full moon, perhaps putting a bow on a project you’ve collectively been working on since the Sagittarius new moon on December 4, 2021, which was a potent solar eclipse.

Have things gone awry on Team Aquarius? From today forward, start getting your crew back on track or expressing yourself more vocally in a group. If you're launching an online venture, this digitally dialed-in full moon could be the perfect day to press "post" or "publish." Since full moons can also mark endings, you may decide to part ways with a crew you've outgrown. Make space for people who are more on your wavelength now.

Cancer season (June 21) and the June 28 Cancer new moon

Have you been having a little too much fun lately and falling behind on your duties? Heavy on the dinner and drinks and light on the workouts? No shame or judgment, Aquarius. We’re glad you (hopefully) celebrated your way through Gemini season! But by the third week of the month, you might be ready for a cleanup mission.

Good news: On June 21, the Sun enters Cancer and your orderly, health-focused sixth house. For the next four weeks, slow down and prioritize. Focus on getting back into your routines, swapping the pricey restaurant tabs for organic groceries. Meet friends for a walk or bike ride instead of at happy hour. You’ll feel your vitality return with a vengeance!

A great occasion to start any life-improvement undertaking is the June 28 Cancer new moon, which supercharges your fresh starts with extra mojo. Invest in gadgets or start new habits that make your life run more efficiently. Is it time to delegate a few items to a capable service provider? Start by outsourcing your least favorite tasks, the ones that suck up hours of your day figuring out or tempting you to procrastinate and avoid them. Thinking of adopting a furry critter? Pets are ruled by the sixth house, and this new moon could lead you to your animal soul companion.

Unlike the full moon earlier this month, which was a supermoon, this one is a “micro-moon.” This effect occurs when a new or full moon connects with the point in the moon’s orbit that’s farthest from the Earth (called apogee), making it appear smaller from our vantage point here. That doesn’t mean the distant moon won’t work its magic—and we can’t see the new moon anyhow—but it may not be quite as impactful as a supermoon, which occurs when la luna is at the CLOSEST point (perigee) to our planet.

Mind your money: Neptune turns retrograde June 28-December 3

In lockstep with the new moon, nebulous Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces and your second house of work and money, making its annual five-month retrograde. Plug the financial leaks in your life, whether you pause a bunch of unused app subscriptions or set firm limits with an unfocused coworker who leaves you stuck working late. With mystical Neptune here, check the Feng Shui of money-related areas of your home. Adding some houseplants or decluttering might just open up blocked channels of abundance. Try it all!

June 2022 Aquarius Love Horoscope

Witty banter is your most effective aphrodisiac this month as lusty Mars blazes through Aries and your mental, expressive third house until July 5. Luckily, clever and stimulating conversation is where many Aquarians shine! And if you don’t have a whole lot to say? Well, you’re also great at asking genuinely interested questions. (As you may have heard, people’s favorite topic is themselves.) Your natural curiosity could have the effect of drawing people to you like moths to a tiki flame, provided you’re willing to share a few honest or vulnerable things about yourself too. If you're looking for romance—or just some fun, flirty times—this is one exciting transit!

Single? You might be attracted to a brainy geek or wordsmith. "Boring" is not going to cut it for you! With aggro Mars heating up your communication corner, watch for a tendency to be a bit argumentative or sarcastic. If you're in a relationship, don't take your beloved for granted or make the rookie error of dumping your stuff on them. It will NOT be appreciated!

Before things get overly friendzoned, help arrives from the other love planet, Venus. Until June 22, this romance goddess is in sensual Taurus, activating one of the most emotional parts of your chart. This will offset any overly cool or intellectual energy from Mars since Venus pulls you out of your head and connects you to your heart.

Then, on June 22, the cosmic coquette shimmies into free-flying Gemini and your flirty fifth house until July 17. Friends could quickly turn into lovers, and casual hangouts could produce major chemistry (giving new meaning to the idea of “game night”). It'll be hard to avoid long seductive nights and passionate romance, and you won't bother trying! If you're in a relationship, amp up the fun and playfulness and skip the "where is this going" talks, which rarely produce more than fear and frustration. Single? Beautifying and charismatic Venus in this glamorous house is ready to put the spotlight on you. Pull yourself together, walk tall and slip into something colorful. It won't be long before you're exuding that trademark magnetism again.

June 2022 Aquarius Career Horoscope

May and June aren’t generally your most productive months, and that’s okay. The Sun is circulating through the more personal and playful parts of your chart, turning your attention to friends, family and your love life. Paying attention to those areas refills other equally important tanks and makes you far more productive when you do get back to the grind.

Information-overload alert: Speedy Mars is blazing through Aries all month and, until July 5, heating up your third house of communication. Messages and media are coming at you fast and furious, and your own ideas are popping out at warp speed. It's an exciting time, but you could be busy multitasking your way through June as a result. Your social life is abuzz, so book coffee meetings and rsvp "yes" to rooftop cocktail parties where you can mingle with movers and shakers.

Make sure you’re prepared if you should meet a great contact. With structured Saturn turning retrograde in Aquarius from June 4 to October 23, you could use a little extra help from mentors and well-connected people. You might also use this time to clarify your goals and tighten up the way you present yourself to the public. Whether you hire someone or hunker down and do it yourself, find ways to display your skills and past work in a way that helps you stand out from the competitions. Think beyond the resume and LinkedIn profile (even if it’s important to have an updated one). Display your unique stamp with a website or an online portfolio. Sometimes, it’s more effective to SHOW people what you do than merely tell them.

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/aquarius full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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