June 2022 Horoscope: Taurus

June 2022 Horoscope: Taurus

Gemini season puts your focus on money matters

Buckle down, Bull. You’re slated to have a super-productive month as the Sun makes its yearly visit to Gemini and your work-focused second house through June 21. Since your sign is the natural ruler of this zodiac domain, you're in your industrious element. Don't squander this no-nonsense cycle! Clarify your budget and schedule, investing your resources in top-priority items first. Streamline and simplify any part of your life that feels scattered. Money could flow in—and fast—once you restore clarity. Committing to a few simple, solid habits will help you feel further rooted. Revive a guided meditation practice or just try to eat, wake and go to bed at the same general time every day to get into a rhythm.

Career calibration: Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius June 4-October 23

Hold on to those goals! Your ambitious plans could get speed-checked this June 4, when taskmaster Saturn begins its annual five-month retrograde through Aquarius and your tenth house of long-term plans, career and authority until October 23. Are you setting well-defined limits and expectations with people? Saturn reveals where you may be giving away your power or avoiding responsibility. Feeling jaded about your professional path or adrift in life? This reflective time can be fruitful for reaching out to old colleagues and clients or getting additional training so you're better positioned for a major change. Avoid shortcuts or get-rich-quick schemes like the plague. Cutting corners will only come around to bite you, so follow protocol even if you're allergic to it.

While Saturn backspins for the next five months, you may be in the home stretch of a demanding work assignment that requires some long hours and red tape to get approvals. Clients and managerial types can be especially harsh, if not outright philistine. Is there a potential long-term reward for this temporary struggle? If so, grit your teeth and pay your dues, Taurus. But if you find yourself on an endless treadmill to nowhere or facing abuse and power struggles, you may decide to cut your losses during this Saturn retrograde and start searching for other options. Be patient with the process as things can take a little longer. Reach out to a recruiter or executive coach for help since Saturn governs experts—and a seasoned pro can help match you with the right opportunity.

The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon goes deep!

A major moment of insight arrives on June 14, when the year's only Sagittarius full moon illuminates your eighth house of mergers, joint ventures and wealth. From lust to trust, this intimate full moon beams its spotlight on your deepest connections. With la luna revealing this highly private zone, a secret could be exposed or a key relationship could reach a make-or-break point. Are you ready to take a more permanent step with a business deal or to talk engagement, babies or moving in together? At the full moon, you could make a decisive move. A real estate or legal matter could also be resolved.

Warning: Emotions can be raw and might bubble up forcefully, especially if you've been keeping them under wraps. Deep breaths, Bull! You'll feel everything intensely, especially since it's a full moon. Note to Taurus: Reacting from a place of fear or vulnerability could leave you with a messy cleanup. Try to communicate your feelings truthfully but responsibly.

If you've been waiting for news about an investment or to make a merger official, this culminating full moon could bring the long-awaited answers. Look back to the Sagittarius new moon on December 4, 2021, which was also a potent solar eclipse. A big change that occurred near that date could reach a point of resolution now.

Cancer season (June 21) and the June 28 Cancer new moon

Things lighten up a bit on June 21, when the Sun moves into Cancer and your communicative third house, kicking off a social and interactive four weeks. You've been working hard, Taurus, and if things have felt too serious for your liking, you'll welcome some levity now. Local events could turn up surprising opportunities between now and July 22—no need to venture too far! Socializing could lead to synergies. Get out for meetings, networking and catch-ups with your crew.

The June 28 Cancer new moon could plant the seeds for an exciting project or partnership that will unfold in the coming six months. Conversations today can move from talk to action, so be sure to follow up with an email or formal meeting. Carry business cards and RSVP "yes" to events where you can network with like-minded colleagues. Since new moons herald fresh starts, you never know where an exciting talk might lead! Make a point to write your intentions down; studies shows that boosts our memory, and it will also serve as a record you can refer back to in the coming months.

Unlike the full moon earlier this month, which was a supermoon, this one is a “micro-moon.” This effect occurs when a new or full moon connects with the point in the moon’s orbit that’s farthest from the Earth (called apogee), making it appear smaller from our vantage point here. That doesn’t mean the distant moon won’t work its magic—and we can’t see the new moon anyhow—but it may not be quite as impactful as a supermoon, which occurs when la luna is at the CLOSEST point (perigee) to our planet.

Neptune turns retrograde June 28-December 3

As excited as you are about some of your new connections, not everyone will be a keeper. On June 28, hazy Neptune turns retrograde until December 3, a backspin that occurs at roughly this time every year. As Neptune reverses through Pisces and your groups sector, you might decide to pull back from certain friendships that feel draining and one-sided.

Are you spending way too much time online, scrolling and swiping through all the feeds? This is an ideal time to cut back on your screen time and enjoy more mindfulness: time in nature, better sleep, summer beach reading. Consciously log off so you can forge deeper connections. (If you have a family, is it time to ban phones at the dinner table?) Take inventory of your friends list and nurture loyal ties that can go the distance. Focus on quality over quantity, an ethos that has always served your steady sign well.

June 2022 Taurus Love Horoscope

You’re feeling the love, Taurus! And no surprise since your ruling planet, affectionate Venus, is in Taurus until June 22. It’s a lovely lead-up to summer, a time to bask in the beauty around you and feel incredible in your own skin. Upgrade your look as beautifying Venus amplifies your first house of visibility, and be sure to take lots of pictures for evidence (and your adoring fans). Venus in your sign makes you a touch more assertive, so if you’re single, a profile and picture refresh on the dating apps could give you the confidence to meet some new prospects.

With lusty Mars in fiery Aries and your imaginative twelfth house from May 24 to July 5, you may be spinning out some pretty wild fantasies—and setting off the fireworks! Couples might want to do some soothing activities together, like taking a massage workshop or engaging in something creative. If your relationship is on rocky terrain, consider working with a coach, therapist or healer together to get to the core issues.

This Mars position can be a great recipe for rekindling dwindling passion with your S.O.—or getting more vulnerable with someone new if you're unattached. Just keep both eyes open, and if you get any hints of red flags, pay attention. You won't want to remove those rose-tinted aviators during this transit, but for your own sake, please do! The twelfth house can make us gullible and easily swept off our feet, and boundaries aren’t a strong suit.

From June 22 to July 17, Venus will sail through Gemini and your second house of security and daily regimens. After all the excitement this month, you’re more interested in stability than wild times. Getting into a settled groove with someone special will feel comforting—and totally natural. You'll enjoy creating healthy habits and routines together. Add more affection and sensuality to your love life, and earmark some funds for a few special experiences, like a night at a boutique hotel or a really great meal.

June 2022 Taurus Career Horoscope

Pace yourself, Bull. All month long, energizer Mars is in Aries and your powered-down twelfth house, which could make you feel both wired and tired. On July 5, the red planet will blaze into your sign, rebooting your motivation and magnetism. Use the next month to put the finishing touches on any projects or loose ends, even if you have to work a few extra hours to get it off your plate.

On June 4, tough Saturn steps on the brakes in your career house, sending you back to the drawing board to tweak your goals and plans between now and October 23. Is it time to recalibrate your professional path? Necessity may be the mother of invention over the next five months. With Saturn in repose, a reliable job or source of income could become less steady, or you may need to hustle a little harder to get ahead. This is a good time to seek additional training and mentorship or to return to an old employer. If you’re not positioned for the best possible opportunities, consider how you can get yourself there.

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/taurus full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

June 2022 Horoscope: Gemini

June 2022 Horoscope: Gemini

June 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

June 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview