June 2022 Horoscope: Gemini

June 2022 Horoscope: Gemini

Gemini season lights your fire again

Get ready to celebrate—it's Gemini time! The Sun is making its annual visit to your sign until June 21, feting your birthday season. This is your moment for grand debuts and prioritizing personal projects that have your unique stamp all over them. You’ll enter this month ripe for a fresh start since the May 30 Gemini new moon already catalyzed quite a few new ideas. Use the first three weeks of June to explore those, especially once Mercury retrograde ends on June 3. You’ll be clear-headed and ready to put your energy into new initiatives.

Could your overall look use a refresh too? With the Sun in your first house of appearances, a style update could be just what the cosmos ordered. Peruse the blogs for inspiration and start pinning a few options that could turn into a “Gemini: Summer ‘22” vibe. With Jupiter spending the next five months in your nomadic but nerdy eleventh house, think boho-chic-casual that can go day into evening, ready for poolside cocktails or meetups in the metaverse!

Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius June 4-October 23

Tap the brakes, Gemini: While the world feels like it’s your oyster, there could be a few pearls of wisdom to gather before you rush into untested waters. On June 4, structured Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius and your risk-taking ninth house. Between now and October 23, you’ll want to carefully vet your opportunities before saying an immediate, go-with-your-gut yes.

Plans to travel, launch an entrepreneurial venture or take a giant leap of faith might stall during this time since Saturn demands due diligence. Gemini, this is a blessing in disguise: You may not have had a firm enough foundation to build on, and now’s your chance to lay that. As staunch Saturn sends you back to the drawing board, you may discover that scaling back or slowing down an ambitious agenda gives you the time to do it right. A proper and well-mapped-out execution can ensure long-term success, so don't rush!

The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon spotlights relationships

Relationships take center stage on June 14, when the full moon in truth-teller Sagittarius beams into your seventh house of committed relationships. Inject some realness into your closest ties and start clearing the air! This full moon could bring a decisive moment between you and a significant other or close colleague.

Is it time to make things official? An opportunity to partner up could come to fruition—or it could reach a critical turning point. But since Mercury, ruler of contracts, is at the tail end of its post-retrograde shadow phase, a few details may need to be hammered out before you finalize your decision. It’s likely to be a big one— since this full moon is the culmination of the December 4, 2021, Sagittarius solar eclipse, a supercharged new moon date

If you've done your due diligence, this lunar light could push you to stop equivocating and give a firm yes or no. You've been working toward this moment all year, Gemini—and you're as ready as you'll ever be! There's freedom in choosing, so release any FOMO and self-doubt. Whether you’re buoyant “yes” or a hard “no,” this full moon helps you get off the fence.

Cancer season (June 21) and the June 28 Cancer new moon

Grounding energy arrives on June 21, when the Sun leaves your sign and moves into Cancer, activating your second house of work, stability and money. Pencil in your beach time then get cracking on your goals. And if you can WFB (work from beach), then who cares about a little sand in your notebook? This is your cue to take those grand Gemini-season ideas and start building them into something concrete. While others dash off on their summer vacations, you can use the next four weeks productively, making major headway on your goals—then take your getaway after July 22.

The June 28 Cancer new moon could bring a job or moneymaking offer, along with fresh insights about your career path. Your confidence also gets a boost, and this surge in self-worth may coincide with an uptick in your net worth. Choose a couple of meaningful projects and chip away at them, bit by bit. If you want to start a new routine or practice, this solar cycle gives you the discipline to stick with it. Just resist the urge to dabble in a million things at once, Gemini, even if you're interested in all of them! Focus on one or two key projects and do them thoroughly, without cutting corners.

Unlike the full moon earlier this month, which was a supermoon, this one is a “micro-moon.” This effect occurs when a new or full moon connects with the point in the moon’s orbit that’s farthest from the Earth (called apogee), making it appear smaller from our vantage point here. That doesn’t mean the distant moon won’t work its magic—and we can’t see the new moon anyhow—but it may not be quite as impactful as a supermoon, which occurs when la luna is at the CLOSEST point (perigee) to our planet.

Neptune turns retrograde June 28-December 3

On June 28, hazy Neptune will start its annual retrograde, reversing through Pisces and your career zone until December 3. Biting off too much could leave you exhausted and overwhelmed. Take stock of which projects and professional connections energize you and which ones leave you feeling drained. Ditch or delegate things that zap your mojo.

If you've been engaged in a passive-aggressive power struggle with an authority figure, consider just dropping it—or shifting your attention elsewhere. Rarely does anyone win these kinds of battles. The tenth house rules father figures, so look honestly: Are there some dad or family-of-origin issues being played out here?

During this summer-long transit, soul-searching about your career path could be in order. In some cases, Neptune retrograde actually rolls BACK the fog, helping you see things more clearly. You may glimpse a manipulative person's motives or, on the contrary, find heart-stirring compassion for a person you've been judging or treating harshly. (You know who they are, Gemini.) We're not suggesting you bury your head in the sand; just consider whether someone is doing the best they can with what they've got, as the saying goes. Give up trying to change them and accept them instead. You'll free yourself—and them—in the process.

June 2022 Gemini Love Horoscope

With passionate Mars traveling through Aries and your eclectic eleventh house from May 24 until July 5, you might find love in the most unlikely places! (Not that you don’t anyway.) If you're single, stay open to deepening connections with friends or people you meet through them. This realm also rules technology, so even if you haven't had much success on dating apps, your luck could change now. Be authentic and don’t hide your “weird”—those unique and quirky qualities are what make you most attractive this month.

Couples can look forward to a month of enhanced socializing—perhaps getting involved with an important cause or a gathering of like-minded people. Jump in by asking how you can use your talents to help, possibly by sharing their message with your network or hosting a fundraising party (those midterm elections are underway in the U.S.). Mars in this outgoing sector can spice up your shared social life. Join a summer sports team together (bocce or beach volleyball, anyone?) or get to know each other's friends on a more personal level.

In between the lighthearted jaunts, you can enjoy some passionate moments too. Until June 22, romantic Venus has draped herself in sensual Taurus and your fantasy-fueled twelfth house. You may be viewing your relationships through rose-colored "love goggles" or be susceptible to an attraction that's not firmly rooted in reality. (And if your response to that is "whatever," well, enjoy the escape!) This confusing Venus transit could make you a little paranoid, so get the facts before you react. Venus in this hall of mirrors can distort reality.

Have you stopped focusing on yourself and started obsessing over what you-know-who is doing or thinking? Right in the nick of time, your independent spirit returns with a vengeance. From June 22 to July 17, Venus swings into Gemini and your first house of identity, reminding you what a fun and sexy catch YOU are. Release the cling and get fully back into your own life. You’ll be a lot happier (and, as a byproduct, more appealing) when you take total responsibility for your own joy.

June 2022 Gemini Career Horoscope

Granted: Planetary permission to promote yourself! June puts your passions on the front burner, as the Sun visits Gemini and your first house of self until June 21, followed by magnetic and charming Venus in Gemini from June 22 to July 17. You'll have the gift of gab AND charm in abundance this month. Rsvp "yes" to that rooftop cocktail party where you can meet influencers from your industry. Or, if you’re avoiding the crowds, freshen up your social profiles and branding while the planets are supporting your first house of appearances.

You don’t have to be a total solo act either! Teamwork makes the steam AND the dream work this month as fiery Mars spends the whole month in Aries, heating up your eleventh house of group endeavors and technology. A collaboration or online project that picked up the pace in late May could gain even more momentum as June rolls along.

At the June 14 full moon in your partnership zone, you could be offered a contract or an opportunity to join forces. You may also make a firm decision to go your separate ways with a business partner, especially after hazy Neptune turns retrograde (backward) in Pisces and your career zone from June 28 to December 3, an ideal time to slip out of the spotlight and hunker down into production mode. With the Sun entering Cancer and your moneymaking second house on June 21—bolstered by June 28 Cancer new moon—your diligent and humble efforts could pay off handsomely!

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/gemini full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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