November 2022 Love Horoscope
November 2022 Aries Love Horoscope
Turn up the heat or keep it to a simmer? Until November 16, romantic Venus is burning through Scorpio and your erotic eighth house, urging you to serve that sizzle. Without trying, you’ll be exuding extra magnetism, Aries, and people are taking notice! Coupled Rams might want to spend a little more quality time in the boudoir as well as connecting on a deeper emotional level.
On the other hand (yes, there is one of those this month)... your ruling planet, Mars, is retrograde in Gemini and your communication house from October 30 to January 12. A connection that started off as frisky and flirtatious could end up fizzling out. Or circumstances could make it hard to connect enough to explore your chemistry. Something as simple as you both being busy with the holidays might be the culprit. But why are you letting circumstances like that disrupt things, Aries? You’re not the type to give up THAT easily!
If you’re serious about this connection, you might just roll the dice here. From November 16 until December 9, Venus will be in your risk-loving and adventurous ninth house, the zone that also rules travel. Should you hop on a plane and go visit a new love interest’s hometown for Thanksgiving—or, if you’re partnered, indulge in a mini-trip together? Even a night at a boutique hotel can get the sparks flying again.
November 2022 Taurus Love Horoscope
Time to make it official? Well, maybe to explore it! Romance-a-holic Venus, your ruling planet, will spend all month in the most committed zones of your chart. Venus is in Scorpio and your companionship zone until until November 16 (it’s been here since October 23), and then slips into Sagittarius and your sexy, erotic eighth house until December 9. With the month opening in the tailwind of a Scorpio solar eclipse, you might be extra amped up to move forward in one specific direction.
But as much as you enjoy being part of a couple—or long for a long-term mate—don’t rush to change your lifestyle just yet. The other love planet, sexy and assertive Mars, is in powered-down retrograde from October 30 until January 12. With the red planet slogging through Gemini and your second house of daily routines, trying to fit someone into your comfortable Taurus regimen could be premature. Money and work stress could also interfere with your relationship, spiking tension. Ease off the gas, o’ charging Bull! Try to let things develop in due time.
Friction with your favorite plus-one? Lean in to peacekeeper Venus whenever possible. Slow down and do something pleasurable together as a duo. Share a meal, send flowers, give each other a massage. Little moments of affection soothe the tactile Taurus soul like nothing else. Now, who wants a hug?
November 2022 Gemini Love Horoscope
Move ahead…wait, don’t! Spicy, sexy Mars is still making its extended blaze through Gemini, which started back in August and will continue until late March 2023. However, just before Halloween, on October 30, the red planet reversed into retrograde motion, slamming the brakes on anything that was moving too fast. Between now and January 12, coupled Geminis might find themselves arguing over an issue you thought was long since resolved.
Someone who had you all atwitter might now seem like way less of a match. Since retrogrades bring back the past, you might even hear from an ex unexpectedly. Should you consider a fall fling or a reunion hookup? If it’s not too messy…don’t let us stop you. But consider that some strong feelings are likely to surge up afterward.
Also? The other love planet, Venus, might advise against anything too cavalier during cuffing season. Until November 16, Venus is in Scorpio and your fastidious sixth house. You’ll be hyper-critical of any flaw you observe and screening applicants through a microscope. (Not that you don’t already…but it’s really dialed up now!) For couples, this is a lovely time to get some healthy habits in place before the holiday feasting and hibernation begins.
If anyone DOES pass your rigorous tests, the second half of the month could find you making things official. Not only is Venus in Sagittarius and your committed seventh house from November 16 to December 9, but the November 23 Sagittarius new moon (accompanied by your ruler, Mercury, also in Sag) sets the stage to pop a question or talk about making things official.
November 2022 Cancer Love Horoscope
Turn up the heat! Until November 16, sultry Venus is in Scorpio and your passionate, romantic fifth house. Hang the mistletoe early this year, Crab, because things could be steamy in the first half of the month. You may feel strong chemistry with someone you meet. Coupled Crabs could get into a cozy cuffing season.
But wait…is everything as it seems on the surface? Spicy, intense Mars is now retrograde in Gemini and your twelfth house of secrets, fantasy and hidden agendas until January 12. Your mojo could downshift into slow motion for the rest of the year (perhaps tempering the sizzle of Scorpio season a bit). Someone’s “facts” might not add up, or you could discover some unsavory information that has you questioning how much you can trust them. A clandestine attraction might take a sideways turn. Is it time to cool this thing down?
From November 16 to December 9, Venus will journey through Sagittarius and your healthy, helpful sixth house. Your love language for the second half of the month is decidedly “acts of service.” You could meet someone, or bond with your favorite plus-one, by hosting a fundraiser, volunteering at a canned-goods drive or getting everyone to bundle up for some outdoor activity after the Thanksgiving feast.
November 2022 Leo Love Horoscope
Friends, benefits, what IS this thing? With sultry, passionate Mars blazing through Gemini and your eleventh house of casual connections for an extra-long run (from August 2022 to late March 2023), you and your love interest could be running hot and cold. One minute you want to be intimate, the next you’re pushing them away. Or maybe they’re friend-zoning YOU…? A longtime partner could be acting a bit distant now, too.
Whatever the case, feel free to pin it on Mars, which is in powered-down retrograde from October 30 until January 12. This could call for a timeout from any flip-flopping scenarios. The eleventh house rules the digital domain, and you might want to dial back the dating apps a little bit, too. Did you swipe past someone a little too quickly? Cut off a connection that had potential? During Mars retrograde, the past could actually hold the key to a promising connection. Do you have some latent resentment or unresolved anger toward an ex or even your current partner? Use this retrograde to sort that out.
The first half of the month might be best for a timeout to tend to your emotions while Venus is in Scorpio and your fourth house of home, family and foundations. It’s a great time for nesting and resting, but you’re likely to be snuggled under the cashmere throw and not exactly feeling your sexiest.
That all changes on November 16, when the love planet wings into Sagittarius and your flirty, frisky and festive fifth house. With Venus here until December 9, you could feel your lusty Leo fires kicking up again. The November 23 Sagittarius new moon also stokes that flame. Don’t just head home to sleep off a turkey coma after Thanksgiving dinner because the whole weekend is a promising one for meeting a sexy “person of interest!”
November 2022 Virgo Love Horoscope
Stay in the moment or talk about the future? Maybe do a little of both this month, Virgo. The love planets, Venus and Mars, will tug you between these time zones, especially during the first half of November.
Until November 16, flirty Venus is in Scorpio and your witty third house, putting you in lighter spirits. Playful conversation is the way to your heart now. If you’re coupled, get out to those early holiday season parties. Once Venus heads into Sagittarius and your domestic fourth house from November 16 until December 9, you’ll be in the mood to cozy up on the couch and take a break from circulating. (Fear not: After December 9, you’ll be in full party-glam swing.)
Complicating matters, intensifier Mars is now in a tricky retrograde backspin (from October 30 to January 12), reversing through Gemini and your tenth house of future plans and goals. It could be hard to figure out where things are going. Couples may have a tough time aligning, leading to tension and arguments. There’s enough pressure during the holidays, Virgo! Try not to pile any extra stress on your relationship or fret about your status.
Mars in Gemini could also leave you with a heftier workload than usual, putting a damper on holiday celebrations. Manage everyone’s expectations so you can accomplish your ambitious plans but also have time to celebrate!
November 2022 Libra Love Horoscope
Until November 16, Venus will glide through Scorpio and your sophisticated, stability-seeking second house. Indulge your desire for upscale date nights, dressing up and establishing more of a steady arrangement. If you're in a relationship, start shopping for a memorable holiday gift for bae—and drop some not-so-subtle hints about the present you're eyeing.
A more casual phase kicks off on November 16 as Venus shifts gears into Sagittarius and your outgoing third house. Socializing as a duo can keep you connecting more than any material item this month. Make the rounds of holiday parties with your S.O. Single? Allow friends to introduce you to their eligible peeps and even set you up in a no-pressure way, like having you both attend a casual group gathering. You could meet someone online or even just bopping around the neighborhood since the third house rules local affairs.
The downside to this month’s otherwise positive love forecast is that Mars, the red-hot planet of both passion and confrontation, is now retrograde (from October 30 to January 12). Mars is back-spinning through Gemini and your outspoken ninth house. You could be a little snarky, argumentative or something of a know-it-all. Do you need a little space, Libra? Try to be direct about that instead of pushing bae away.
Mars retrograde could give you a case of grass-is-greener syndrome. If you start feeling claustrophobic or limited by your current relationship, it’s worth reflecting on—but don’t be overly quick to react. Even the most fascinating people can get on our nerves if we spend too much time together.
Take a little solo getaway or go out of town for a couple nights with friends. Do something different together. Novelty makes the heart grow fonder…but that novel experience doesn’t have to mean pulling the plug on a solid situation you’ve already got. Chances are, this restless feeling is something inside of YOU, Libra—and may have nothing to do with them. Isn’t that always the case, if you think about it?
November 2022 Scorpio Love Horoscope
Talk about being in demand! Until November 16, romantic Venus is in YOUR sign, gifting you with the "It factor." With vixen Venus sashaying through your sign, you won't have to work hard to draw admirers your way. Whether or not they'll be keepers is another story—but enjoy the attention and no-strings flirting. If you’re feeling like a frisky fall fling, Venus will happily play matchmaker. Coupled Scorpios will be in the mood to have fun—and if your partner’s already hibernating, don’t let that stop you from going out and painting the town.
You’ll settle in a bit more after November 16, when Venus enters Sagittarius and your second house of luxury and security until December 9. Stability feels sweet—and sexy in its own way. You could have crazy chemistry with someone you meet, then move quickly into more serious territory. For couples, this is a great time to dress up and hit the town for some posh outings. Time to debut your S.O. at a few upscale events? Holiday gift-shopping could be extra-special this year—rather than get 'em a pile of presents, invest in a luxurious item that's also meaningful and lasting.
The fly in the ointment of it all comes from the other love planet, your co-ruler Mars. The usually randy red planet is being a wet blanket, having turned retrograde in Gemini and your erotic eighth house from October 30 until January 12. This could cool some of the flames of a connection that started off scorching. You might hear from an ex and possibly be tempted into rekindling a spicy relationship or even exploring a clandestine connection. Easy, Scorpio. You’re likely minimizing the downsides of going there.
For couples, Mars retrograde here can really exacerbate some issues that have splintered your relationship. Consider working with a therapist if things get too tense. Old issues of jealousy, possessiveness and trust could flare up. Mars retrograde offers you a chance to address those at a core level.
November 2022 Sagittarius Love Horoscope
Love could take a backseat or even hit a little speed bump—at least during the first half of November. For starters, lusty Mars, who’s been turning up the heat in your partnership realm since August 20, is now retrograde until January 12. Single Archers might consider trying things again with an ex or even taking a hiatus from the pressure of dating during the holidays. Couples could reconsider a connection that's not turning out the way you'd hoped. Of course, if it's just a momentary hiccup, waste no time reconciling—and enjoying some torrid makeup sex. But this might be a smart time to take a timeout, especially if you’ve been fighting a lot.
With the other love planet, Venus, in Scorpio and your twelfth house of endings until November 16, there’s even more reason to slow down or even pause. You may find peace in releasing something that no longer serves you. Or maybe that serenity will come from simply ceasing to try to control the outcome. Surrender into a state of acceptance—for who you are and who they are. It’s better than trying to change someone or swimming against the tide. Release it all to the universe, Sagittarius. You’ve been getting this memo since the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse. Gentle Venus is here to help ease the process.
With Venus in your twelfth house of fantasy and illusion, lines can get blurred with your imagination working overtime, and that could tempt you to snoop or get unnecessarily suspicious. Your own flirtations, especially online, could drift into murky terrain. An innocent chat might veer into areas that become confusing, possibly paving the way for something less than upstanding.
Some of this heaviness will dissipate in the second half of November. In fact, you might just be the star of every scene from November 16 to December 9 as love planet Venus visits Sagittarius. This makes you flirty and feisty—not that you'll be pinned down easily. With Venus in your independent first house, a little room to roam keeps you interested. (Smotherers, step to the left!) If you’re “on a break” from someone you’ve been seeing, well, we won’t judge if you decide to have a little spontaneous, no-strings fun.
November 2022 Capricorn Love Horoscope
A little bit paranoid there, Capricorn? With spicy Mars retrograde in your analytical sixth house until January 12, your mood could alternate between upbeat and anxious, even veering into hypercritical mode. Control issues can flare as the red planet back-pedals through this detail-minded and perfectionistic zone. Ease up on overanalyzing every little move (your own and theirs). With Mars in this fitness-focused zone, exercise could be a mood-saver. Channel your worries into a good workout instead of scrolling through an ex's Instagram or fretting about what they meant when they said THAT.
Lightening the mood is romantic Venus, which is visiting Scorpio and your eleventh house of casual connections until November 16. If you’ve been obsessing over someone, Venus reminds you that there’s a whole sea full of enticing fish. Feelings could spark up unexpectedly with a platonic pal, or you might meet someone through mutual friends, at a networking event or online.
From November 16 to December 9, Venus moves into Sagittarius and your dreamy twelfth house, which could stoke your imagination in a big way. Even the most sensible Capricorns could find themselves swept away by an attraction or wistfully reminiscing about a past love. But how clearly are you seeing this situation? You're prone to idealizing people now, so take the time to get to know that "soulmate" and make sure they're trustworthy—oh yeah, and available!
For coupled Capricorns, this is a great time to reconnect on a sweet stroll down memory lane—perhaps to one of your favorite dinner spots or, if you can swing it, an overnight. Don't let the busyness of the holiday season prevent you from slowing down and connecting. If anything, this is the best time to do it, before obligatory family gatherings cut into your bonding time.
Are you holding a torch for the one that got away? With Venus in your twelfth house of healing and closure, it may be time to close the door on a past romantic chapter. You've accepted excuses from someone who strings you along but never fully commits. Or maybe you're the one dragging your feet. Sort through all these complex feelings now and take smart action.
November 2022 Aquarius Love Horoscope
Hit the brakes on a fast-moving affair? Passionate Mars has been blazing through Gemini and your romantic fifth house since August, dialing up the passion and urging you to take a risk in the name of love. But when the red planet turned retrograde on October 30, that sizzle may have started to, well, fizzle. Between now and January 12, watch for drama or the unexpected return of an old flame. For couples, drama and discord could surge up with Mars gone rogue. Watch your temper and knee-jerk reactions.
Things may take a turn for the serious in the first half of the month as Venus moves through Scorpio and your tenth house of long-term plans until November 16. You'll be thinking about where things are headed with a newish love interest, or whether it's time to take that next big step. With the holidays coming up, try to approach these topics with a little lightness. (Diplomatic Venus will help!) If you're not quite ready to meet someone's parents or bring them as your date to the office holiday party, that's okay. You don't have to succumb to those manufactured expectations. But if you’d LIKE more commitment or to start tackling a shared goal with a partner, charming Venus will roll out the red carpet and happily comply!
Still, you may not want to lock yourself into anything too binding prematurely. On November 16, romantic Venus moves into freewheeling Sagittarius and your social eleventh house until December 9, making you crave more room to roam. No Aquarius appreciates being told what to do, but your individualistic streak could really be fired up now. Focus on less coupley activities if you're in a relationship, and mix in solo adventures or group hangouts where you can (harmlessly) flirt or keep things light.
For single Aquarians, Venus in this tech-savvy house can boost your online dating prospects. Freshen up your profiles or activate your account—you could actually meet someone promising now. And—not that you need prodding—make the rounds at holiday parties. Let yourself be introduced and set up this month. A sexy friend of a friend could be exactly who you want to find waiting for you under the mistletoe!
November 2022 Pisces Love Horoscope
Your mind is on the big picture this month when it comes to your love life. Love planet Venus spends the first half of the month in Scorpio and your expansive ninth house, setting your sights on lofty and optimistic goals. You could have a case of “grass is greener” syndrome now, so make sure to bring novelty into your date nights if you start getting restless with your partner.
With Venus perking up your travel sector, coupled Fish might want to take an impromptu weekend getaway or treat yourself and your favorite plus-one to a pair of tickets for a sexy, bucket-list vacation. Early holiday present? Yes, please! For single Fish, Venus in this worldly part of your chart can fire up a cross-cultural or long-distance attraction.
On November 16, Venus will shift gears, moving into Sagittarius and your tenth house of long-term plans until December 9. Until now you didn’t want to be pressured; suddenly, you can't help wondering where a certain attachment is going. With a new year right around the corner, you could be especially eager to lock down a guarantee—and to leave indecisiveness behind.
Security feels like a sweet proposition now, and couples may revel in all the traditional holiday trappings together: cuddling by the fire (any fire!), meeting bae's family, decorating your shared home or exchanging keys if you're a newer couple. Single Pisces might attract more serious prospects, possibly someone older or a person you meet through work. Let your cubicle-mate set you up with a friend they keep insisting is "perfect" for you. Their matchmaking skills could actually be on point!
The only red flag (and it’s not a small one) is that the other love planet, Mars, is retrograde in Gemini and your domestic, emotional fourth house until January 12. Since October 30, the passion planet has been back-spinning, which happens every two years. So yeah, about those plans to meet each other’s families or maybe move in together? Only proceed if you’re 100 percent ready to take that step. Or hedge with some extra precautions, like renting an Airbnb instead of staying with your sweetie’s parents—or directing visiting relatives to the nearest hotel instead of your sleeper sofa for their weeklong stay.