All tagged Scorpio

June 2022 Horoscope: Scorpio

Disappear into the ether for a minute, Scorpio—or make that about three weeks. While the Sun slides through Gemini and your private, intimate eighth house until June 21, you may crave a little time off the grid. Don’t worry: You’ll be plenty busy with a super-detailed project or perhaps in the throes of a passionate pre-summer affair.

With expansive Jupiter in Aries and your orderly, analytical sixth house for the first full month, you could be busy getting your life (and health) in shape. A fun summer of fitness and clean eating adventures awaits if you think outside the box.

Midmonth, the June 14 full Sagittarius supermoon could bring an exciting money moment. You might pivot on your professional path, perhaps in reaction to a lucrative opportunity. Ready to shed a bad habit? The full moon is quitting day!

You’ll emerge from your cocoon on June 21, when summer and Cancer season begin. With el Sol in your ninth house of travel and growth for a month, book that beach vacation, sign up for a life-changing retreat or set aside time for a visionary project.

Two of the slow-moving outer planets will begin retrograde (backward) journeys this month, which could press pause on some personal life matters. On June 4, structured Saturn will make a U-turn in Aquarius and your fourth house of home and family. Plans to move, get pregnant or embark on a renovation could be delayed. You may also need to double down on self-care or do some inner work to fortify your emotional foundation.

On June 28, hazy Neptune will turn retrograde in Pisces and your amorous fifth house. A blossoming romance could hit a speed bump between now and early December. You may find yourself a bit less enamored with a certain someone’s charms. Neptune’s about-face can spark indecisiveness, even wishy-washy behavior or cold feet. Check those DMs, Scorpio: A person from your past could track you down, and with fantasy-spinner Neptune here, don’t be surprised if sparks fly after all this time!

June 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

After the tumult and chaos of April and May, we’re all ready for a cosmic cool down. Luckily, June is here to deliver just that! Usually Gemini season is a blur, but this year, it’s the comic relief that we so desperately need. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 3rd putting our communications back on track, and then on the 4th Saturn begins its own retrograde, allowing us to take a break and reflect on long-term goals.

Things are slow until mid-month when Mercury re-enters Gemini on the 13th stoking our curiosity and increasing our stamina for socializing. Then on the 14th, the full moon in Sagittarius brings us a wild and adventurous night to kick off the warmer months with a bang.

The summer solstice arrives on the 21st as the sun enters Cancer. Happy birthday to our protective and loving crabs, in good company with matriarchs like Meryl Streep and dreamy trendsetters like Lana Del Rey. Venus then leaves sensuous Taurus for witty Gemini on the 22nd, inspiring us to find summer flings who really stimulate our minds.

June ends with a highly auspicious new moon in Cancer that connects with both Venus and Jupiter. If there was ever a time to set nurturing and optimistic intentions, this is it! Neptune stations retrograde on the same day putting a dreamy filter over a once dull reality. Dream big!