June 2022 Horoscope: Sagittarius

June 2022 Horoscope: Sagittarius

Gemini season is all about partnership

Lean on your people, Sagittarius, and love 'em up too. This month, the Sun will visit the most partnership-driven zones of your chart. It's blazing through your opposite sign, Gemini, until June 21, putting the spotlight on your closest relationships and the balance of give and take in your unions. Once Mercury retrograde ends on June 3, start exploring ways that you can …YES?

With the Sun at its farthest point from YOUR Sun sign, this can be a "low power" cycle. On the plus side, you have the gift of perspective, and you're able to really view your life from an objective distance. But a solar opposition can also bring occasional dark moods and loneliness. All the more reason to reach out to your most supportive inner circle members!

June is always a bit disorienting for your indie-spirited sign because it pushes you to go out of character and team up wherever possible. Your "I'll just do it myself; it'll be faster" M.O. will leave you feeling isolated and stressed out, so set it aside. And if you're part of any dynamic duos—business, civic or romantic—use this month to make sure everyone is on the same equitable page.

Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius June 4-October 23

Time to team up for the win? Structured Saturn turns retrograde on June 4, backtracking through your third house of communication and ideas until October 23. Now is the time to hone your message, Sag, making sure you're conveying your capabilities to the world in the most direct and compelling way. Your ideas can have influence, so consider that when you speak about them. Even if you don’t think your words matter, someone is always listening! If your mindset has gotten a little too fixed or even pessimistic, Saturn retrograde gives you a tune-up. A practice of mantras, affirmations and guided meditation can restore your hope to its normal Sagittarian levels.

Looking to make a career move? Spend time crafting a marketing plan, building a sleek website (sites like Squarespace and Wix have made this a no-brainer) or taking a class to polish your skills. Credentials count when the ringed planet comes knocking, so use this Saturn U-turn to acquire any official certifications or necessary licenses. You might be a natural-born masseuse with a gift for Shiatsu, but if logging the hours required by your state is keeping you from opening a full-on practice, maybe it's time you went for it.

But think it through before you leap into any major commitments, like going back to school or partnering on a joint venture. Saturn demands a proper long-term plan. Ask all the tough questions, run things by your advisers and address any lingering seeds of doubt or uncertainty.

The third house rules siblings, neighbors and local community. You might feel the need for firmer boundaries with your peers (is dishing about your love escapades really the best idea among colleagues?) or at least clearer expectations about a shared project. You might spend more time in a part of town you used to love or get involved in a local initiative that will make your town a better place to live.

The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon is a spotlight 2022 moment

Live your truth, Archer! On June 14, the year's only Sagittarius full moon—a potent supermoon—makes it impossible to suppress your voice or hide from the spotlight. This is a peak moment that you've been building toward all year, one that can bring untold freedom or attention to your passion projects. Circle this date for any big launches and splashy announcements—or a much-needed dose of "me time." Let your loved ones know what happiness looks like to you, spelling it out if you must. Once you paint that vivid picture, it will be easier for them to support your quest. Just make sure they don't feel totally left out of the fun!

This full moon is especially potent since it’s the culmination of the December 4, 2021, Sagittarius new moon, which was also a powerful solar eclipse. Look back to your last birthday and you may see something you started then reaching a major turning point or coming together in a really big way.

Cancer season (June 21) and the June 28 Cancer new moon

You'll be in the mood to slip off the grid starting June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer and your private, intimate eighth house for a month. A summertime affair could spark up, and you'll just feel sexier in your skin. Try slowing down and adopting a languid pace. Carve out time in your cocoon—whether that's in a hidden hammock or on a beach blanket with a juicy book.

Your powers of concentration are amplified now. At work, dive into a research project or book some strategy sessions when you’re feeling extra sharp. Major money moves could also be on the agenda with the Sun heating up your wealth sector. From a real estate deal to passive income to investments, you could be negotiating win-win arrangements.

On June 28, the Cancer new moon in your eighth house of joint ventures and wealth plants the seeds for prosperity or a mutual win-win scenario. Real estate, legal matters, investments and financial planning could all be in the spotlight. The intentions you set and moves you make today will continue to unfold over the coming six months. The new moon in your eighth house of intimacy and emotional bonding plants the seeds for a strong sexual connection, soulmate encounter or major life shift (pregnancy, engagement, cohabitation) in the coming six months.

Unlike the full moon earlier this month, which was a supermoon, this one is a “micro-moon.” This effect occurs when the new or full moon connects with the point in the moon’s orbit that’s farthest from the Earth (called apogee), making it appear smaller from our vantage point here. That doesn’t mean the distant moon won’t work its magic—and we can’t see the new moon anyhow—but it may not be quite as impactful as a supermoon, which occurs when la luna is at the CLOSEST point (perigee) to our planet.

Neptune turns retrograde June 28-December 3

Home and family matters may bubble to the surface starting June 28, when hazy Neptune starts its annual five-month retrograde backspin in Pisces and your domestic sphere. Between now and December 3, you might need to work through guilt, codependence or unresolved emotions with a relative, possibly your mother or a child. Spiritual Neptune's reversal is great for clearing the energy from your personal space with Feng Shui or a proper decluttering. Stay vigilant for water and plumbing issues with watery Neptune retrograde—and consider taking a trip to the beach, especially a favorite seaside spot.

Nostalgia alert: Neptune retrograde could lead you down a memory lane rabbit hole. Enjoy a bout of sentimentality while it lasts, Sag. Maybe you'll visit a favorite childhood vacation town or feel drawn to look through old photos. A departed loved one could "visit" in your dreams, bringing messages of love and support. You might even consider working with a trustworthy medium, especially if messages start coming through signs or dreams. Journaling and meditation can help you access more etheric planes—and to do important work getting in tune with your emotions and creativity. That's a worthwhile summer project indeed!

June 2022 Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Summer gets off to a lusty start with passionate Mars steaming up the windows in your amorous fifth house from May 24 to July 5 as it blazes through its home sign of Aries. After that, things will take a turn for the practical, so get in all your kicks before then! A sizzling attraction could spark up at a moment's notice—possibly even quicker! Your impulse control could go MIA, but you'll probably be too blinded by desire to care. Coupled Sagittarians will feel their mojo shooting through the roof, which is something to take advantage of since Mars is only here every two years. Unleash your flirty, frisky side.

While Mars can make you hedonistic, the other love planet, Venus, will balance that out with a more mindful approach to amour. Until June 22, amorous Venus is in Taurus and your sixth house of wellness and service, supporting your sensible side. You might meet someone through healthy pursuits or doing community-focused activities. Consider volunteering or doing some social justice work. You’ll make the world a better place—AND you might meet someone special in the process.

On June 22, Venus strides into Gemini and your seventh house of partnership until July 17. As summer vacation officially begins, you'll be enjoying your own personal relationship high season. Whatever your romantic status, start revving your engines and putting your desires on the front burner.

June 2022 Sagittarius Career Horoscope

Partner up for the win! The Sun is in Gemini and your dynamic duos zone until June 21. It’s a great time to explore collaborations, especially after June 3, when Mercury retrograde ends. But take it slow and ask all the important questions since cautious Saturn will reverse course the next day (June 4 to October 23). Make sure anyone you team up with has skills that are greater than or equal to yours so you don’t end up pulling their weight.

Lights, camera, Archer: With energetic Mars in your creative and passionate fifth house all month, you've got the vision AND the enthusiasm to make your brilliant ideas sound irresistible. Fame could even come knocking—just make sure you're attracting the right kind of attention. Contrary to the popular saying, there IS such a thing as bad publicity, Sagittarius. But with your ruling planet, buoyant and adventurous Jupiter, also in Aries, you’ll be stealing the spotlight in no time.

On June 21, you might be ready to collab on a serious level. The Sun shifts into Cancer and your eighth house of investments and joint ventures, bringing powerful alliances into your sphere. The June 28 Cancer new moon is a great day to start the talks, whether you’re looking for angel funding or passive income sources or exploring a property sale.

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/scorpio full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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