June 2022 Horoscope: Aries

June 2022 Horoscope: Aries

Gemini season gives you the gift of gab

Step up to the microphone, Aries, and give it a tap. (“Is this thing on?” you might want to ask since Mercury is still retrograde until June 3.) Technical difficulties aside, your original ideas will reach a receptive audience this month. The Sun is in Gemini and your communicative third house until June 21, putting you in social and expressive spirits. You've got something to say to the world, or your corner of it, and you’re also eager to learn. Load up on the podcasts, TED Talks and books to feed your hungry mind!

The third house rules neighborhoods and local connections, so make a point of spending time in your community. Keep your radar up for people whose skills and ideas complement yours. Sure, you make a fabulous solo act, but this is prime time for seeking out synergies with kindred spirits. Pitches, meetings and brainstorming sessions will go swimmingly. Teaming up with a complementary person can get your message out even further. Road-test your chemistry with a small shared project and see where it goes!

Crew cleanup: Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius June 4-October 23

Who are the people that deserve your time? You may spend this summer evaluating—and curating—your contact list while maturity planet Saturn is retrograde. Starting June 4, the tough taskmaster will backspin through Aquarius, impacting your eleventh house of teamwork and technology.

During this annual five-month slowdown, certain plans could get mired in red tape and bureaucracy. A collaboration could hit a speed bump, or team members might not see eye to eye. As frustrating as this is, it’s an important opportunity to course correct and make sure you have the right people on Team Aries. Any temporary turmoil will be rewarded with long-term stability in your ranks if you build a firm foundation while Saturn’s in reverse through October 23.

Is there a weak link in the chain? With stern Saturn retrograde here, you may need to do the hard work of asking someone to leave or of distancing yourself from a draining friend. If too much has fallen on your shoulders, disburse a few of your duties and let others pull their weight. Planning an online launch or digital debut? Saturn's U-turn pushes you to ensure your product is airtight before springing it on the public. Test everything behind the scenes. When your Instagram Reel goes viral, you'll be glad you took the extra time to craft the plan or hire that pro editor.

The June 14 Sagittarius full supermoon wants you to go big!

Ready to take that leap of faith, Aries? On June 14, the year’s only Sagittarius full moon beams into your no-limits ninth house, making everything seem possible. The ninth house rules travel, entrepreneurship and higher education—all areas that could come together with an exclamation point today. Need to have a no-holds-barred conversation? With the truth-telling full moon in your outspoken ninth house, you won’t be able to bite your tongue any longer.

This full moon is especially potent because it marks the culmination of events sparked by the December 4, 2021, Sagittarius solar eclipse. That was the last in an eclipse series that brought a flood of new ideas and opportunities to your sign since May/June 2020. Look back and see how much your mindset has shifted over the past two years. A visionary idea or project could start to crystallize. One Aries we know has been talking to investors about her startup swimsuit business for the past few months; this full moon could be the day she seals the deal.

Open up to a surge of positive and optimistic energy—something we could all use more than a microdose of these days. This upbeat full moon is here to restore your faith that sometimes things DO work out in your favor, even if you’ve weathered some bumps and disappointments along the way. Shake it off and step back up to the plate, Ram!

Nesting time: Cancer season (June 21) and the June 28 Cancer new moon

Solstice salon or backyard barbecue, anyone? Cozy days come calling starting June 21, when the Sun moves into comfort-loving Cancer and your domestic fourth house for its annual monthlong visit. If you've been burning the candle at both ends, Cancer season invites you to nest and rest. Take a break from your buzzing social calendar to touch down at home base between now and July 22. Hang out with nurturing friends and family and carve out space to get creative.

The June 28 Cancer new moon opens up a new six-month chapter for your most personal desires around home, family and emotional security. Whether your dream lifestyle is owning a cozy Craftsman appointed with vintage mid-century decor or being sexy global citizens with a fellow nomad, creating a sense of "home"—and emotional security—is very much on your mind. This new moon could reboot your relationship with a relative, helping you turn to a clean page. A caring but powerful woman you meet near this date could play a key role in events that unfold over the next half-year. Thinking about starting a family, buying property or redecorating? The time to start is now.

Unlike the full moon earlier this month, which was a supermoon, this one is a “micro-moon.” This effect occurs when a new or full moon connects with the point in the moon’s orbit that’s farthest from the Earth (called apogee), making it appear smaller from our vantage point here. That doesn’t mean the distant moon won’t work its magic—and we can’t see the new moon anyhow—but it may not be quite as impactful as a supermoon, which occurs when la luna is at the CLOSEST point (perigee) to our planet.

Neptune turns retrograde June 28-December 3

Is there a part of your life that’s ready to be released? You might do some soul-searching or deep emotional processing this summer while empathic Neptune makes its annual retrograde through Pisces and your dreamy twelfth house from June 28 until December 3. If you've put off dealing with a loss or complex emotions, Neptune retrograde can help you work through those, possibly with the help of a therapist or spiritual healer. This is a time for deep recovery, but you’ll have to face some core issues for that to happen.

Just be careful not to get lost in the weeds since nebulous Neptune can pull you far down a rabbit hole. You could be swayed by a charismatic guru type, handing them your power or getting caught up in the process and losing your bearings. Stay grounded, Aries! Catch yourself if you start blurring the line between "self-absorbed" and "self-aware." Navel-gazing is not the same as inner work. This could be a powerful time for a meditation practice, shamanic breath-work or embarking on the path toward forgiveness.

June 2022 Aries Love Horoscope

With your galactic guardian, magnetic Mars, in your sign all month (from May 24 to July 5 officially), you're the hottest news in town. People will be drawn to your authenticity, confidence and charisma like moths to a tiki torch, but on the flip side, you could come on a bit too strong at times. So check your ego in the mirror and dial it back a little if you notice that you're overwhelming your audience. A little bit of Aries goes a long way! Attached? While this is a great transit to stoke the embers of passion in your partnership, make sure you're not being domineering, even accidentally.

Luckily, you'll receive some balancing energy from affectionate Venus, who's hanging out in tactile Taurus and your grounded, sensual second house until June 22. This can help you resist the urge to do anything rash and, instead, focus on your shared values and making each moment lovely. Enjoy some earthly pleasures: the beauty of nature, fresh flowers, the feeling of great fabric on your skin. Add more touch to your life. Whether that’s a massage for one or two, or bringing more affection into a relationship, the little things mean the most! Set aside a few funds for a luxury date or two this month; Venus in Taurus is a perfect time to treat yourselves.

From June 22 to July 17, Venus flits onto Gemini and your socially savvy third house. Friends could become lovers, or you might meet someone with keeper potential through mutual contacts. Couples will enjoy entertaining together and checking out new local hotspots and culture together. Let the summer fun commence!

June 2022 Aries Career Horoscope

Go, go, go! Your life has been moving at warp speed since May 24, when activator Mars came tearing into Aries, making its biannual visit until July 5. Having Mars in your sign can be like plugging into a charger, and if you've been using this jolt of electricity to start new projects and self-promote, good for you. The squeaky wheel gets the premium-grade oil with Mars in your assertive first house. Get busy exploring new ideas, putting the word out about your accomplishments and offerings and taking some bold risks on your own behalf.

Be extra mindful about your alliances starting June 4, when cautious Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius and your teamwork sector. Between now and October 23, you may decide to upgrade the standards for admission into Team Aries. Hiring friends or bringing people on-board on the basis of how much you like them? Bad idea this summer, Aries. While Saturn is retrograde, check references and make sure anyone you work with has rock-solid qualifications and experience. You won’t have time to pick up their slack!

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/aries full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

June 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

June 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview