July 2022 Horoscope: Aries

July 2022 Horoscope: Aries

July 2022 Aries Overview Horoscope

Take a moment for yourself, Aries. Ever since expansive Jupiter moved into your sign on May 10, you’ve been going nonstop. There’ve been so many new experiences to take in, and it’s been exciting. But even for your energetic sign, it’s been a lot to process!

Lucky for you, the remedy for overwhelm arrives this month. Until July 22, Cancer season sounds the call for a hearty dose of self-care—with a few side trips to the nearest beach, pool or hammock. Touch down at home base as much as you can while the Sun is in your nurturing, domestic fourth house. Focus on your personal needs and connect with your loved ones.

Another reason to pace yourself? The slow-moving outer planets are filing into retrograde repose, as they do for several months each year. Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are already in their “sleep mode,” and, at the end of this month, Jupiter will join the retrograde parade. Healer-feeler Chiron (in Aries) follows suit on July 19. Use this summer downshift to take a big step back and evaluate your plans from an objective viewpoint.

Don’t worry, Aries: Despite all of this, July is plenty eventful. A Capricorn full supermoon powers up your career zone on July 13. And once Leo season starts on July 22, your festive spirits come back with a vengeance for a full four weeks. The rare Uranus-north node meetup (the first since 2007) arrives on July 31 to end the month with a jolt of electricity. Replenish your reserves and save your battery power until the back half of the month. You’ll need it!

Cancer season spotlights your personal life until July 22

Home, sacred home. Until July 22, the Cancer Sun sets your compass toward family, your living situation and emotional security. With el Sol burrowed in your sentimental fourth house, bond with loved ones or revist a favorite spot where you made some of your most cherished memories. Nurture yourself with a home-cooked feast or connect with a caring compadre if you need a sympathetic ear. Most of all, let your intuition guide you during this nostalgic time. Indulge in summer beach reading (no guilt if you reach for a pink-jacketed paperback over War and Peace) or make a batch of sun tea with fresh mint. Inner bliss awaits!

The July 1 Mars-Pluto square sets off fireworks

Control issues, anyone? Independence Day could take on new meaning as the month opens—and this time, it’s personal. Watch out for emotional fireworks on July 1 as your hotheaded ruler, Mars, locks into an incendiary square with calculating Pluto. Your drive for individuality might clash with a so-called authority figure’s rigid protocols. You could have dueling agendas with a boss or client, or you may feel caged in by too much routine. Someone else may be acting in a domineering way that derails YOUR carefully laid plans. Don’t cut corners or challenge the system too much today, Aries. See if you can create positive change without burning bridges.

The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon spotlights your career

Ready to make a midyear power move? The July 13 Capricorn full moon will illuminate your ambitious tenth house, which could bring a crowning career moment—or a change of your professional path. Look back to those New Year’s resolutions today because this could be their moment to manifest. Are you no longer resonating with the goals that captured your fancy earlier this year? This is an ideal moment to shift gears and head in a different direction. With lucky Jupiter in Aries, the odds are in your favor for taking a bold risk. Even if you ARE still feeling pumped about your plans, a midyear strategy session at the full moon could yield some brilliant new ideas.

Tension strikes at the July 19 Sun-Pluto opposition

A once-a-year moment of reckoning arrives in the second half of the month. On July 19, the Sun locks into a tense opposition to power-tripping Pluto in Capricorn and your tenth house of career. Your trailblazing ideas, which are 100 percent worth pitching, might receive pushback from a coworker or family member. Try not to take their skepticism personally, even if you detect a hint of aggression. Since Pluto rules the unconscious, someone could act out in a bullying manner—and the more you react, the worse it will get. Rise above and don’t get dragged into the drama, Aries!

The Sun-Pluto opposition awakens egos and can trigger domineering behavior. Watch out for authority figures who abuse their position of power, and, while you're at it, be careful not to mount your own high horse. With the Sun in your domestic sphere, do yourself a favor and don't try to mediate conflict between family members OR coworkers. Drop a few words of wisdom on them (at most) and let them hash it out themselves.

Inner healing: Chiron turns retrograde in Aries on July 19

Your action-oriented sign doesn’t spend a lot of time contemplating your navel, but starting today, soul-searching is highly recommended. On July 19, “wounded healer” comet Chiron turns retrograde in your sign, bringing up issues you thought were put to bed or possibly some painful patterns you weren’t aware of consciously. Everyone has a shadow side, and during this transit, you may get more familiar with yours.

Leo season (until August 22) and the July 28 Leo new moon

Summer lovin' could be on the agenda starting July 22, when the Sun moves into Leo and your passionate, expressive fifth house. The next four weeks are all about play and pleasure—perfect timing for the peak of summer—so try not to lock yourself into any huge obligations. Spontaneous adventures await!

Feeling a summer spark with someone…or hoping to? The July 28 Leo new moon opens a fresh chapter for love and passionate connection. Your inner artiste is also awakened by this lunar lift, so express yourself all through Leo season. The new moon will be in a close, harmonious trine with lucky Jupiter in Aries, inspiring you to take a chance! Dive into a creative project, or let your inner performer take the stage. Book your unused vacation days for a romantic getaway, or just slip off with a budding love interest for some sizzling escapades. Been keeping those same summer sundresses in heavy rotation? This glamazon new moon sounds the call for a style overhaul. Get a fresh cut and color and pull together some bold, head-turning outfits. Your efforts won't go unnoticed.

Slow down! Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries on July 28

Tap the brakes on the reinvention tour, Aries. You’ve been speeding down the fast track since May 10, when expansive Jupiter first entered Aries, accelerating your life to twice its normal pace. Not that you have any objections to that as a fearless fire sign. But even for you, it’s been a lot to metabolize at once.

Jupiter is the planet of growth, luck and risk-taking, and it visits each sign every 12 years, staying for about a year. This is Jupiter’s first visit to Aries since 2011, and it’s made the second half of 2022 look decidedly different from the first. Most likely, your whole concept of self (and what’s possible for you) has been completely blown out of the water.

From July 28 until November 23, the planet of expansion goes retrograde (backward), and will even dip back into Pisces starting October 28. During this four-month stretch, take some time to reflect. While the full-throttle pace is exciting, you could benefit from a breather to catch up and process it all. Cool things down a notch, both physically and on an emotional level, too. Make sure these grand new plans are really what you want. It’s possible that you’ve been so distracted by the glittering opportunities that you’ve said yes to too many things. Scale back and prioritize where necessary.

The July 31 Uranus-north node meetup is a game-changer

Ready for a jolt to your financial sector? Electrifying Uranus, the planet of radical change, makes an ultra-rare meetup with the karmic north node as the month ends. The two will meet in Taurus and your second house of money and work, sending sparks flying through this district of your chart. The next day, your ruling planet, Mars, will slide into the mix, adding even more firepower. If you’ve been thinking about quitting your job, making a bold money move or pursuing a purpose-driven path, it could happen even faster than you expect!

July 2022 Aries Love Horoscope

Hello, sensual summer days! From July 5 until August 20, your ruler, lusty Mars, is in Taurus and your luxurious second house. After a sexy and free-spirited romp through Aries, Mars now makes you crave affection and a little more security. Indulging in a few earthly pleasures (pampering, new clothes, a long-overdue hair appointment) will get you more in the mood for sexy company—whether with a new person or your current amour.

With motivator Mars in your money sector (the second house rules cash), the policy “no romance without finance” might ring true. You may also need to invest in your love life to keep things happy and healthy. Pamper yourself and your partner or would-be ones.

Framed that way, a little retail therapy or extravagant treat can be a romantic insurance policy, Aries. Instead of going around and round in a pointless conflict for teary-eyed hours, just go order the chef's tasting menu at that new locally- sourced restaurant. Bring back the love over cauliflower “steak" with pink peppercorn aioli and a flight of orange wines. Bonus incentive: Love planet Venus is in playful Gemini, softening your third house of communication. You’ll find it easy to slip into compassionate conversation once you take a little pressure off of yourself. When all else fails, slow down and come back to the moment!

On July 17, Venus enters heart-centered Cancer and your emotional fourth house until August 11. All kinds of strong feelings will be let out of the genie's bottle. Suddenly, you may prefer deep bonding to intellectual conversations or lighthearted small talk or sexy flirtation. If you're solidly attached, Venus in Cancer could inspire you to exchange keys, talk babies or take an even bigger step toward permanence. Single? While it might be hard to tear yourself away from home base, you could meet someone at a backyard barbecue or at a party YOU host!

July 2022 Aries Career Horoscope

Pace yourself, Aries. Your enterprising sign likes to strike while the iron is hot, but as the Sun sails through Cancer and your low-key fourth house until July 22, it's best not to push too hard. Cancer rules your domestic zone, the part of the zodiac wheel that’s farthest away from your career house. Consider it your month to attend to family and your living situation and to reload on self-care. (But hey, if you happen to start a home-based business or an Airbnb side hustle, we won’t be surprised.)

It might be hard to “keep calm and Cancer-season on” since your ruling planet, motivator Mars, is blazing through Taurus and your money zone from July 5 to August 20. Work could be demanding with long hours and short deadlines. You could have an especially exciting project in your hands. We’d hardly blame you for hustling to make your mark, especially with lucky Jupiter in Aries. All that hard work could pay off when the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon ignites your tenth house of professional prestige. So honor the Cancer season with a few breaks, but keep that momentum going, especially since Jupiter will turn retrograde on July 28.

Once the Sun blazes into Leo and your fifth house of creativity on July 22, take that as your cue to invite more imagination, play and fun into your daily life. Stay open to new influences and out-of-the-box ideas. This is no time to be chained to your desk. Schedule an evening art gallery tour or concert outing with your crew—and don't forget the post-meeting happy hour! Follow your passions with dedication and determination, even if that means putting an obligation on the back burner so you can get lost in the design studio, karaoke bar or painting class. Stepping away from "normal" duties allows you to respond immediately to inspiration or bursts of productivity when they hit. You might work with a media trainer or vocal coach to polish up your public presence, especially near the July 28 Leo new moon. When innovative Uranus and the karmic north node convene in your money zone on July 31, all those trailblazing ideas could pay off handsomely.

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/aries full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

July 2022 Horoscope: Taurus

July 2022 Horoscope: Taurus

July 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

July 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview